A cow protection and cow care facility in Northern Arizona
The cows are an integral part of the temples and their upkeep is one of the prime activities. In India, most of the Vaishnava temples have their own goshala. The unadulterated milk supplied by these cows is used for the worship of the Lord.
rinodakadi samyuktam yah pradadyat gavahnikam
so asvamedha samam punyam labhate natra samsayah
In the Brhat Parashara Smrti (5.26-27) it is said, that one who feeds the cow with grass and water every day, derives the benefit equivalent of performing an Ashwamedha Yajna.
The Vedic Ranch presently keeps and protects a zebu
herd of three bulls and five cows (one of the bulls and one of the cows are just calves).
The cost of providing feed and vetrinary assistance for one cow per month is estimated at: $51, or $612 a year.
Those interested in contributing towards the feeding and maintenance of the cows and goshala, CLICK HERE.
We also have a separate website: