Our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada once said, "There is so much information and news about the spiritual world and the transcendental activities that go on there, that even if something could be written about it every moment, still one would not be able to find the end, unlike the newspaper that is limited and simply repeating the same kind of information."
We have put together a website,, where you can have access to the main literatures written by Srila Prabhupada: Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Srimad Bhagavatam, Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Sri Isopanisad, and the Nectar of Devotion. We invite you to probe and see for yourself the transcendental messages within, and be taken on a spiritual journey of the soul, back to its original destination in the Vaikuntha or spiritual world where there is no anxiety. Om Tat Sat.
Feature Documentary “India’s Book of WisdomThe Bhagavata Purana” Released
The film 'India's Book of Wisdom' introduces the Bhagavat Purana to people completely new to this crown jewel of ancient Sanskrit literature.
A new 60-minute feature documentary on the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled “India’s Book of Wisdom—The Bhagavata Purana” has been released to watch for free at the Bhagavata Purana Research Project.
Hosted by Dr. Kenneth Valpey (Krishna Kshetra Swami), co-director (with Prof. Ravi M. Gupta) of the Bhagavata Purana Research Project at the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, the film introduces the Bhagavata Purana to people completely new to this crown jewel of ancient Sanskrit literature. Absorbing, enlightening, and colorful, it is packed with in-depth interviews with illustrious Bhagavata scholars, while footage throughout of arts, devotional practices, and holy places related to the Bhagavatam bring their points to life.
From L to R: HH Hanumat Presaka Swami, Prof. Ravi M. Gupta, and Dr. Kenneth Valpey (HH Krishna Kshetra Swami)
The documentary features interviews with Prof. Graham M. Schweig, Christopher Newport University, Virginia; Prof. Nanditha Krishna, Writer and Historian, C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar Foundation, Chennai; Prof. Ravi M. Gupta, Charles Redd Professor of Religious Studies, Utah State University, and Prof. Barbara Holdrege, Department of Religious Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara.
There are also interviews with Prof. John Stratton Hawley, Barnard College, Columbia University, New York; Shaunaka Rishi Das, Director of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies; Hanumatpresaka Swami, Founder and General Secretary of North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, Peru; and Dr. Anand Venkatkrishnan, Assistant Professor, History of Religions, The University of Chicago.
Interviewees explore why the Bhagavata Purana, such an ancient text, is so popular even today, resonating not only in India but increasingly around the world too.
Alien Identities : Ancient Insights into Modern
UFO Phenomena
By Richard L. Thompson Ph.D.
This is the intelligent fair and logical examination of modern UFO phenomena that countless readers have been looking for. Written by a renowned scientist and philosopher. It also explores possible UFO incidents recounted in the the ancient Vedic descriptions, of flying craft floating cities, cosmic battles and other wonders. It examines the extraordinary and the extraterrestrial in European folk tales and looks at religious reports of miraculous visitations, particularly the 1917 apparition at Fatima Portugal, bringing fresh and convincing insights into the identity and purposes of UFO visitors throughout the centuries.
SEDONA BHAKTI-YOGA RETREATS Design your own retreat or use ours!
Sedona Bhakti-Yoga Retreats
Monthly, we will be holding retreats at the Vedic Ranch Ashram. Come and enjoy the peaceful, beautiful, and spiritual atmosphere, similar to that experienced by sages thousands of years ago. You will learn how to play some of India's kirtan musical instruments like the harrmonium, learn vegetarian Indian cooking, take hikes in the Sedona vortexes, and much more.
See!retreats/cv0l for more information.
NOTE: You can also design your own retreat. Namaste!
NewHome For The Vedic Ranch & Zebu Cows
The Vedic Ranch where we have our cow sactuary, has a new home since October of 2022. The location is a 63 acre ranch with lush terrain (it sits on a large aquifer).
The Vedic Ranch is located about 1.5 hrs. from Phoenix, between Prescott and Skull Valley. Guests are welcome to visit 7 days a week, but should call before you plan on dropping by, to make sure someone is around to give you a tour of the goshala when you arrive.
Call 928-399-0123.
For more information on our Goshala program, please visit our website:
Goshala Cow Protection Program Gaining Support
We would like to thank all those who have shown their support, in the new Goshala program in northern Arizona, at the Vedic Ranch. Especially we would like to thank the devotee who just paid for the purchase of 50 bales of hay.
A Goshala is a place where cows are protected and cared for, and especially protected from slaughter.
If you would like to help support this program,
go to You will get many blessings and spiritual karma for doing so!
The Red Rock Rishis are available to perform their kirtan at your next spiritual or yoga event, or in your home with your friends.
Call 928-399-0123.
Red Rock Rishis' Latest
You Tube Video
The Red Rock Rishis, a kirtan band located in Sedona Arizona, has two CDs out: Lotus Eyes & The Beginning Is Near
They have just released a new kirtan video, posted below, so that along with chanting, you get visuals of transcendence of the spiritual world.
So "click" on, chant along with the melody, and see if your day goes by much better and happier! Hari bol.